


張家口賜兒山導(dǎo)游詞 篇1

  在張家口市區(qū)西部群山之中,有一座山峰叫賜兒山,山峰秀麗,風(fēng)景如畫。在山腰深處有古云泉寺,它建于明洪武二十六年(公元 1393 年),至今已有 600 余年。所以叫云泉寺,是取 " 白云深處有清泉 " 之意。它是佛、道建在一處的寺廟。上部為道,下部為佛。寺 內(nèi)有子孫娘娘殿,舊時(shí)每逢農(nóng)歷四月初八廟會(huì),來此登山焚香祈求 " 賜兒 " 的人絡(luò)繹不絕。故稱此山為 " 賜兒山 " 。

  遠(yuǎn)望賜兒山,峭壁如削,萬木崢嶸,亭臺(tái)樓閣,參差錯(cuò)落。若登山而上沿路 鋪設(shè)臺(tái)階路面,陡削路段則安裝扶手欄桿,拾級(jí)而上即可達(dá)云泉寺。蜿蜒山路有三道平臺(tái),第一道平臺(tái)有六角亭一座,有大雄寶殿和南大殿;第二道為望亭;第三道是云泉寺山門,山門也稱天王殿。山門之外原 有教稼亭,壁上有民間巧匠畫的五谷之神后稷,教人不忘耕稼。稍上是教化堂,壁上畫有伏義軒轅,意在告誡后人勤于勞作,時(shí)時(shí)不忘自己為炎黃子孫。山門前有石獅鎮(zhèn)守,旗桿矗立。山門內(nèi)側(cè)是龍王殿、真武 殿、藏經(jīng)殿中釋迦佛祖合掌閉目,南海觀音揮灑拂塵,造型生動(dòng),栩栩如生。

  在寺院中部,有古柳二株盤抱而生,高 12 - 13 米 ,粗 30 - 40 圍,相傳為明代所栽。奇怪的是向東橫臥的 1 株 主干中空,腹內(nèi)長出 1 株松樹,柳絲裊娜,松枝蒼勁,形伴影隨,相映成趣。現(xiàn)柳樹仍枝茂葉盛,屬重點(diǎn) 古柳名木之一。在西邊峭壁上曾生出 1 株榆樹,高約 13 米 ,粗 20 圍,相傳為元代所植,已枯死,過去曾有 " 元榆明柳 " 之稱! ∮葹槠嬗^的是寺的西崖下,排列三個(gè)古洞,僅距咫尺,景觀迥異。右為水洞,洞中泉水清清,數(shù)九隆冬也不結(jié)冰。左為冰洞,洞口楹聯(lián)曰: " 靈液供丹灶,清心照玉壺 " ,洞內(nèi) 四季結(jié)冰,晶瑩剔透,即使炎炎夏日也不融化。有詩曰: " 傍山冬日液,側(cè)水夏天凝 " ,就是冰水二洞奇景的寫照。中間是風(fēng)洞,一年四季冷風(fēng)嗖嗖,有物置于洞口,即被疾風(fēng)吸入。相傳曾有一名兒童向里 探頭被風(fēng)吸入,現(xiàn)洞口已被封閉。

  沿山路迤邐而上有 " 萬松 ?quot; ,再上有 " 矗霄亭 " ,翼然臨于絕頂,登山鳥瞰,張家口市 區(qū)盡收眼底。賜兒山云泉寺的山水景觀,吸引了眾多的佳賓 游客,令游覽者驚嘆不已。峭壁上,留下不少游人、名士的詩句和題刻。相傳, 1923 年冬,康有為偕弟子陳重遠(yuǎn)從吳中來張家口,前往賜兒山云泉寺游覽,深為 " 山川縞素、天地一白 " 而感嘆,遂作《霧雪登云泉寺》,詩曰: " 山縣關(guān)城早,天寒日暮愁。夕暉千白雪,吾愛云泉寺。日出松石上,詩清情復(fù)幽。后人今不見,應(yīng)共憶斯游。 " 康有為游興 猶濃,便沿石磴道登上山巔,俯視張家口全景,吟出 " 行行積雪里,漸入浮云端;前路青天近,冷冷詩骨寒 " 的詩句。在游了西山崖下的風(fēng)洞、水洞和冰洞之后,又揮毫寫下 " 崖石青天里,懸洞堪稱奇。仙人原有宅,醉語也成詩。凝靜聽崩雪,山空聞?wù)壑。平明出谷口,險(xiǎn)盡尚驚疑。

  關(guān)于 " 賜兒山 " 這名字的來歷,還有一段傳奇故事呢。傳說 500 多年前,有一對(duì)夫婦,結(jié)婚多年未能生育,很是著急。這年的四月初八,夫婦二人來到張家口西郊的這座山腳下,焚竺祈禱,求助天神地神。正當(dāng)他們一遍又一遍地訴說自己的求子之心時(shí),突然從山腰石縫間走出一個(gè)白發(fā)飄飄的老人。老人來到他們面前,沒有說話,從懷里取出個(gè)泥捏的娃娃,送給他們,然后就無影無蹤了。第二年,這對(duì)夫婦便喜得貴子。他們真有說不出的高興。這件事很快傳開,塞外山村遠(yuǎn)近百里祈兒求女的人,每年四月初八,都到西山腳下燒香求子。于是,人們便把西山,稱為 “ 賜兒山 ” 了! ‖F(xiàn)在,在山的半山腰還有一座 580 多年前建造的古剎--云泉寺,寺內(nèi)有一個(gè)佛龕,圓形的門上畫著一幅引人入勝的五彩圖畫, 畫面中央是一個(gè)笑瞇瞇的大肚佛,佛像四周煙云繚繞,云霧中布滿了一個(gè)個(gè)白白胖胖的幼兒。相傳這里就是當(dāng)年那位白發(fā)飄飄的老人的住地,人稱 “ 賜兒大仙 ” 。

張家口賜兒山導(dǎo)游詞 篇2







張家口賜兒山導(dǎo)游詞 篇3










張家口賜兒山導(dǎo)游詞 篇4



























張家口賜兒山導(dǎo)游詞 篇5

  Tourists: hello and welcome to Zhangjiakou. I'm your tour guide.Zhangjiakou City is located at the junction of Beijing, Shanxi, Hebei and InnerMongolia, about 180 kilometers away from Beijing, where the terrain isdangerous, known as "mountain city beyond the Great Wall". Zhangjiakou hasjurisdiction over 4 districts and 13 counties with a total area of 37000 squarekilometers and a population of 4.5 million. Beijing Baotou, fengsha and Daqinrailways cross the East and West. Beijing Zhangjiakou, Xuanda expressways andnational highways 109, 110, 112 and 207 cross the city. Beijing Xizhimen busstation starts from 6 am, and there is a fast passenger bus to Zhangjiakou everyhalf an hour, which is very convenient for transportation and travel.

  There are many ancient sites in Zhangjiakou, which are widely distributed.The "big mirror gate" of the ancient Great Wall is not only the pass of theGreat Wall, but also the symbol of Zhangjiakou City. Fanshan in Zhuolu county isthe ancient battlefield of "the Yellow Emperor fighting Chiga", and one of thebirthplaces of the Chinese nation. Every year, many Chinese people come here toseek their roots and worship their ancestors. In addition, there are Han Tombsin daiwangcheng of Yuxian County, Han Tombs in Huaian County, painted tombs inliaobi of Xuanhua, jellyfish palace, Yunquan temple and Qingyuan building in theurban area, all of which are worth visiting. Zhongdu grassland, located inZhangbei Zhongdu, is a natural grassland close to Beijing. In summer, theclimate is cool and the grassland is luxuriant. You can also experienceMongolian customs here. It is a summer resort.

  Zhangjiakou has a long history and is rich in cultural relics. There is aworld-famous Nihewan site in Yangyuan County, which is one of the earliestplaces for human beings to set foot. It is an important base for the study ofpaleostratigraphy, paleontology, paleoanthropology and paleogeography from 2million to 3 million years ago in China and even in the world. Zhuolu YellowEmperor city is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation. Jiming mountain inXiahuayuan District embodies the culture of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.Jiming post, as the first post station to Beijing, was the place whereconfidential information of yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties was transferred. TheZhongdu site of the Yuan Dynasty in Zhangbei was once a transportation hub and amilitary important place connecting Mobei grassland in the north and CentralPlains in the south. Qingyuan tower (bell tower) in Xuanhua is known as "thesecond yellow crane tower". The rutting in Quandong more than 500 years ago is ahistorical witness of the ancient city of Xuanhua. Dajingmen witnessed the riseand fall of tea horse market in "dry dock" in Ming Dynasty. In 1920__, theopening of China's first railway, Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway, which wasdesigned and built by Zhan Tianyou, made foreign businessmen gather in Pidu,Zhangjiakou's koupi, kouyang and Koufu famous all over the world, and became afamous commercial port in North China. Zhangjiakou was recaptured by the EighthRoute Army in 1945. It was the first big city captured from the Japanese army.It became the political, military, economic and cultural center of Shanxi ChaharHebei border area, and thus enjoyed the reputation of "the second Yan'an","cultural city" and "Oriental model city". In 1948, after the second liberation,Zhangjiakou became the capital city of Chahar province.

  Surrounded by mountains on three sides and the Great Wall to the north,Zhangjiakou is a place for military strategists in history. Over the past 50years since the founding of the people's Republic of China, Zhangjiakou hasgradually become an industrial city with machinery, metallurgy, chemicalindustry and textile industry as its pillar and wool and leather industry as itscharacteristics. Zhangjiakou is rich in mineral resources, and has extensivetransportation and communication networks. The environment here is beautiful,the appearance of the city is clean, the folk customs are simple, the climate iscool in summer, and the scenery is pleasant. There are more than 30 places ofinterest in the city, such as the great wall of Ming Dynasty, dajingmen, Yunquantemple, jellyfish palace, Qingyuan building, zhenshuo building, etc. Zhangjiakouis an old revolutionary base area with many revolutionary historical sites forsightseeing.

  The continuation and development of ancient and modern history provides arich cultural landscape. In the city's 36800 square kilometers of land, vast,green waves, wild flowers bloom Bashang natural grassland, and lakes, mountains,water and sky of the "northern South" North-South echo; towering meaningfulbeautiful, green dense cover, layers of forest dye the original forest, andsprings, beautiful scenery of hot springs. There are not only the sites of earlyPleistocene ancient human, but also the ancient battlefield where the ancestorsof Chinese culture started their own business. Unique style, differentlandscapes, natural and simple scenery, is a good place for summer tourism.

  Qingyuan tower, also known as the bell tower, is located in the middle ofXuanhua city. It was built in 1482 A.D. in the 18th year of Chenghua in MingDynasty. It is a tall building with multi angle cross ridge. The building isbuilt on the 8-meter-high cross hole, connecting Changping in the south,Guangling in the north, Anding in the East and Daxin in the West. It forms anaxis with zhenshuo tower and Gongji tower in the city. The ruts of 520__ yearsago can be seen clearly. The exterior of the building is three stories, and theinterior is two stories. The height of the building is 25 meters, and the heightof the pavilion is 17 meters. It has three bays, six tower rafters, and thefront and back of the building are open. There are 24 large porches and pillarsaround it. The upper enamel is green glazed tile top, the waist enamel and thelower enamel are cloth tile top. The beam frame and bucket arch are exquisiteand beautiful. They fly along the angle and are full of vitality. On the upperfloor, there are four pieces of "yuanlou" in the south, "tongtianying" in thenorth, "gaozhiyanjiang" in the East, and "zhenjingbianfeng" in the West. Insidethe building, there is a "Xuanfu Zhencheng bell" cast in the 18th year ofJiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty (1539 AD). It is 2.5 meters high, 1.7 metersin diameter and weighs about ten thousand jin. It is erected in the middle ofthe upper layer of the building with four sky columns. The sound of the bell ismelodious and loud. It can be spread for more than 40 Li, which is quite famous.The building is unique in shape and precise in structure. It can be comparedwith the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, which is rare in China. It is called "thesecond yellow crane tower". The building has a unique style and is one of theexquisite art buildings in ancient China. Qingyuan building has gone throughmany vicissitudes. In 1986, the Ministry of culture allocated 390000 yuan tocarry out a comprehensive restoration of Qingyuan building. After restoration,Qingyuan building looks simple, elegant, majestic and spectacular, with greentiles and blue bricks, golden dragons, jade beasts, flying angles, red arches,carved beams, magnificent buildings, high bells and jingle bells.

  Heping Forest Park is 65 kilometers away from Zhangjiakou City and 10kilometers away from Chongli county. The total area is more than 20__ hectares.It is one of the largest natural forest landscapes in Hebei Province. The forestpark is mountain by mountain and ridge by ridge, with dense and luxuriantforests. There are 70% of the natural forest, and 12 tree species such as Larchand spruce. In the scenic area, there are many peaks, green buildings, lushgrass and green ropes, pleasant trees and green cages, winding paths, which aremagnificent, precipitous and beautiful. The air in the forest is fresh, the wildfragrance is fragrant, birds are contending, and the spring water is tinkling.Tibetan vegetables and mushrooms grow all over the hillside, rabbits andsquirrels jump through the trees. When you are good at everything, you will feelhappy. It has opened up five scenic spots and dozens of scenic spots, and hasbecome a tourist attraction integrating tourism, accommodation andentertainment.

  Qitai Mountain Scenic Area (namely Dengshan mountain area) includes fivescenic spots: Qitai mountain, Xuankong cave, shuangshiben, Qingliang Pavilionand Hufu peak. Qitai mountain rises from the ridge, with high mountains andravines. There is a hanging hole 17 meters below the stage. Visitors can shuttlefreely, which is very interesting. You can go up to the top of Qitai to see themountains. Couple peak, double lion mountain also let people linger. Cuiyunmountain forest tourist area, the main area of the forest, rippling blue waves,flowers like brocade, wood Xinxin to prosperity, spring tears Wei and thebeginning flow, so that the mountains colorful. There are also fishing area,picnic area, shooting, hunting, archery and other entertainment. The park alsohas a service area with restaurants, guest houses, shops and other servicefacilities. With its unique majestic posture and Kuili to welcome the arrival oftourists from Beifang.

  Chinese ancestor culture village

  On the Loess source in the east of Zhuolu County, Hebei Province, 100kilometers northwest of Beijing, stands the oldest capital of China - Huangdicity and its related historical and cultural relics. The Yellow Emperor Xuanyuanis the ancestor of Chinese civilization. He is famous both at home and abroad inthe field battle Hall of Zhuolu.

  Zhuolu Wolong pine

  Sima Qian once said in historical records of the five emperors that themain political, military and cultural activities of the Yellow Emperor were inZhuolu. First, he "fought with Emperor Yan in the field of selling spring", then"fought with Tang you in the field of Zhuolu, so he captured and killed ShiYou". Then he toured all over the country, reaching the sea in the East,Kongtong in the west, Jiang in the south, and meat porridge in the north, thusensuring the peace of the north and the south. As a result, the Yellow Emperorwas respected as the son of heaven by the leaders of various tribes, and "he wasin line with Busan, and his capital was in Zhuolu.". Impromptu built the firstcapital in Chinese history. The activities of the Yellow Emperor in Zhuolucreated a new era of the development of Chinese national culture, which made itfrom "barbarism" to "civilization".

  Well, tourists, Zhangjiakou is here to explain the home. Thank you for yoursupport!

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